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I enjoin you to read this article to the end ,if you have not read the first part of this article, please click on it above and read it ,you will be able to understand where we are coming from and where we are heading to in this article.

  I have written on 1 to 4 dangerous things in Nigeria hospitals in the previous article , in this article I will continue from the 5th among those things.


These are infections that patients didn't come with into the hospital but in course of staying in the hospital especially patients on admission,they get infected and they are down with another disease. These are known to happen generally in Hospitals but the rate at which patients experience this tends to be more in Nigeria hospitals has a result of the improper or inadequate infection control system, some hospitals don't even have infection control unit ,this is the major reason why hospital acquired infection (nosocomial) is becoming alarming and is dangerous to our patients in our hospital.

Implication of this on our patients is that patients tend to spend extra days on admission, more money to spend on treatment they never came with,it can even increase the mortality rate.

   What should be done? 

* Nigeria hospitals should pay more attention to infection control system ,it should be set up where they not found and put the right people in the unit with close monitoring to see that they are doing their work adequately.

* Bedding that are being used by patients on admission should be changed timely because infections can easily be gotten from them and also the patients should call the attention of the health workers who are responsible for changing it.

* Hospital workers should adhere strictly to hand washing before and after attending to any patients.


The truth must be told,the training of Nigeria health professionals right from schools is no long of good standard, our educational system generally needs urgent attention and if nothing is done ,the health care delivery which is under management of the health professionals will be worse than what we are seeing now in the nearest future.

I do have the fresh graduate coming for internship in my department, you will be surprised when you ask them some simple questions that they are supposed to know but to your utmost disappointment, they are not even close to the answer, what a shame.These are the people that will be handling live of patients.

Even the already working health professionals sometimes are not giving opportunity to study further to equip themselves with more knowledge that will help the patient management and treatment, all of these are dangerous for our patients.

Relevant authorities, from school of training to the hospital management should look closely to this and do something about it ,this will be to the interest of the patients.


Nigeria hospitals have suffered from this evil of maladministration for many years, this is one of the reasons why our health care delivery system is dying gradually by the day,something has to be done urgently to safe this situation we have found our health sector.We have heard cases of corruption in many hospitals in Nigeria, those are the ones we see on the news ,a lot of corruption is going in many hospitals that the public is not aware of.Money budgeted for hospital materials and equipment for the benefit of the patients are being embezzled, hence patient could not access quality health care because of lack of materials and equipment. This is evil ,right people should be chosen to manage our hospitals, let it not be because I am from this profession, it's our right to be the administrator whether am qualified both in character and knowledge it doesn't matter, this shouldn't be so.Until Nigeria gets it right from the administrative level (head of the hospital ) ,the rest of the system cannot work properly.


Oh no,why should innocent patients be dying for what they know nothing about,many have died because they could not access emergency care as result of strike actions in Nigeria. Truth be told ,health system should not be part of strike action because of lives that are involved.Hardly will there by any strike in this nation that lives will not be lost,yet this evil has not stopped.Different health professionals go on strike actions at different times ,in a year only God knows how many strikes that do occur and lives that are lost.

My opinion is that our government should do the needful and shouldn't allow the strike to even commence, they should timely respond to the demands of workers and health workers should always exercise enough patience and use every means for dialogue and if possible ,let them think twice even more before they embark on strike actions. Strike action is dangerous for our patients and we should put ourselves in their shoes, it can as well be us or any member of our family.

In conclusion, despite all these dangers that patients are prone to ,we cannot because of them run away from visiting our hospitals expecially if you don't have the money to travel abroad as our leaders are doing.You will be doing alot of arms than good to yourself because the advantages are more and it cannot be compared with all dangers mentioned above. One thing that you as a patient should know is that ,hospitals can only care but it's God that heals ,why can't you make peace with your God now if you haven't, your safety will be guaranteed anywhere at anytime time . Click here.


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